Thursday, 28 February 2008

Amigos me visitam/Visits from friends

My Aunt Lizz who came to visit me from Toronto.

Lucy from Vancouver.

Aunt Margaret from Toronto having coffee whith me in Vancouver.

Darren, my parents and I celebrated Chinese New Year in Vancouver. I slept through it.

Alison and Jason visited me at B. C. Children's Hospital in Vancouver.

Stacie, Sharon, and Stefan from the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

Shauna and Shauna's mother, Mary - my mom's neighbours for many years....

My grandparents Sandy and Stuart

Anna from Dawson City

Asheya's son Elias.

Yukon News divulga meu nascimento

Na Edição do Jornal Canadense Yukon News eu pude agradecer algumas pessoas que foram muito importante em todo o meu nascimento.
Os jornais disponibilizam este tipo de serviço, por isso é muito comum os pais divulgarem o nascimento de seus filhos.
Agradeci aos meus pais e aos avós pelo carinho e a equipe do Hospital de Whitehorse e a nossa doula, que contribuiram para que eu pudesse nascer com saúde e tranquilidade.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Monday, 4 February 2008

I'm here!

The funniest thing just happened! I spent 9 months speaking Portuguese so my Daddy would understand me; but when I came out I started speaking English. I don't know how that happened. It must have been the cold. I am getting ahead of myself though.

On Saturday night, at around 11pm I decided I was tired of swimming in goo and I wanted to get out. So I worked really hard and did my best but my Mummy wouldn't let me come out! It took me 33 hours before my Mummy and Daddy would even go to the hospital - even though my Auntie Lizz harassed Mummy to go (I sure do like that Auntie Lizz). Where was I? Oh right, leaving for the hospital. My Mummy is so tough that she walked all the way to the hospital in -30°C weather with me struggling to get out!

After we got settled in at the hospital I decided enough was enough- it was time to come out!

So at 11:40am, on February 4, out I came. I was pretty gooey but the nurses took good care of me. I weighed 9lbs 4oz (that is 4196g for my Brazillian family) and I was 22inches (56cms) long.

Would you like to see more of me? My Auntie Lizz took a lot of very charming pictures of me. I have to say that I am pretty darn cute!

This is my Daddy. He seems to be quite fond of me.

This is my Auntie Lizz.

This is my Yukon Grandpa

This is my Aunt Margaret. She came all the way from Toronto to see me.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Ela Vem Chegando e Feliz Vou Esperando

Agora só falta algumas horas para eu nascer, por isso as próximas postagens vão demorar uns três dias, tenho que descansar e meus pais também.


Agora é pra valer... Chegou a hora de nascer!!!

Já comecei dar os primeiros sinais de que vou nascer. Sabe aquelas contrações, então é isso que minha mãe está sentindo agora. Eu esperei todo mundo chegar pra nascer, minha Tia Avó Margaret e minha tia Elizabeth, elas vieram de Toronto para me ver. Agora só faltar nascer.

Como era já previsto nós iremos andando até o hospital, mesmo debaixo destas temperaturas.

Até mais,
