Thursday, 25 December 2008

Feliz Natal!!! Merry Christmas!

Este Natal foi muito especial para mim, já que é o primeiro que passo neste mundo, sem estar dentro da barriguinha da minha mãe. É meu primeiro Natal e, que Natal!!!

Eu já ouvi vários amigos dos meus pais dizendo que eles são loucos...Definitivamente eu digo eles são loucos, mas loucos por aventura. Imagina que depois de atravessar de barco para o Uruguai, de viajar 20 horas dentro de um ônibus, indo de Buenos Aires para a Cordilheira dos Andes, e dando um pulo na ilha de Chiloé...depois de atravessar tantas montanhas e neve, de pegar tanta balsa.... agora eis que passamos este dia dentro de um navio em pleno Oceano Pacífico, na costa sul do Chile.

Ufa, depois de tudo isso, eu digo que ainda não acabou. O barco nos espera e Santiago, lá vamos nós!!!

Mas antes de seguir viagem aproveito para desejar aos nossos amigos muita felicidade.
Esses são os meus votos, mas é claro também são os de meu pai e de minha mãe, que estão aqui me ajudando a fazer esta postagem.

Feliz Natal!


Chile, 25 de dezembro de 2008.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Buenos Aires, 1:20 am, December 11th.

It must have been the espresso and the yummy coffee ice cream that my mom ate that did it. For whatever reason, it is after 1 am and I am bouncing off the walls, crawling on the floor, ripping up guidebooks, and yelling happily to no one in particular.

My dad has been asleep for hours. When he stirred, my mom pointedly told him "Your daughter won't sleep." He muttered "Hit her then" and rolled over and went back to sleep.

He won't even remember it in the morning, I bet. Just to show him that he shouldn't say mean things like that, it's going on my blog.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Madonna and Elis storm Buenos Aires

Live from Buenos Aires. December 8, 2008.

Yes, it's true, and very annoying. It wasn't just me who had the great idea to visit Buenos Aires. If only I'd known that I'd have to compete with Madonna for attention, I might have changed my plans. Or worn more metal and glitter...

Here are some photos of the stops on my Buenos Aires tour. I'll try to write more when I get a chance, and I'll keep posting new photos all month as I travel around Argentina, Uruguay and Chile.

I hear that Madonna's heading to São Paulo next. As long as she doesn't turn up in Whitehorse, I'll let her get away with it...

Elis and Anthony's trip to the beach

Anthony is my cousin. He's 9 years old and his birthday present from my parents was a weekend at the beach. It wasn't my birthday, but they let me go along too....

Sunday, 30 November 2008


Well, I don't know anything about birthdays yet, but if my first birthday next February 4th is as fun as my mom's 29th birthday, I promise I won't cry or complain.

So 29 isn't supposed to be a big deal...the plan was just to spend the weekend with friends. My silly dad had to work - see the photos of what he was up to at - so my mom and I decided to have lunch with Elena and Marisa...

And we spent Sunday with good friends at a cultural event organized by the Cape Verde Association....we had a great time dancing, eating and listening to music from Cape Verde....

By Sunday evening, we were ready to go home and go to bed! But my dad had other plans.....although he didn't let on a thing! He went to visit our neighbour who has been sick recently, and called my mom on the phone to say that they were going to take her to the could she please go there quickly to help. Did she suspect a thing? No. It was a pretty good surprise! I wasn't fooled, though.

Luckily our friend Cal has two kids - one just turned 2 (Yasmin, the cute one with the broken arm below), and the other one, Junior, just turned 9. Since my dad hadn't thought of details like candles, it was pretty lucky that my mom really was turning 29.

My only complaint about the birthday party is that all my friends showed up. I like them a lot, but they always look cuter than me in the photos, and that's not allowed!

Well, that's enough birthday news for tonight....A belated thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes! Muito obrigada a tod@s que desejaram feliz aniversário para minha mãe! I'll just show off these cute teeth before I leave you!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Friday, 3 October 2008

Skookum Yukon baby, part 2

More Yukon adventures
Mais aventuras yukonenses

Should I play for the Brazilian or the Canadian national soccer team?
Marta canadense

Going hiking in Kluane National Park, where my mom used to work.
Fazendo trilhas no Parque Nacional Kluane, onde minha mãe trabalhou.

No hiking to the top of King's Throne mountain for my mom these days....
Minha mãe deixou de subir esta montanha esta vez....

Looking tough at the Kluane Visitor Centre....
Não mexe comigo....

....and at Canyon Creek.

My Grandpa is pretty skookum, too!
...nem com meu avô!

Cold feet? Of course not!
Frio nos pés? Imagina...

Getting to know Yukon wildlife. (I've had enough of São Paulo's cockroaches, rats, and stray dogs!) Conhecendo os bichos yukonenses. (Chega de baratas, ratas e cachorros de rua!)

Dall Elis
Elis fantasiada de carneiro de montanha

Stacie's sled dogs - this time without snow!
Fazendo visita novamente para os cachorros da minha amiga Stacie

Um tipo de veado chamado "elk"

We also saw bison on the same trip between Whitehorse and Haines Junction, but I wasn't fast enough to get a picture.
Também vimos bisontes na mesma estrada - mas não conseguí tirar uma foto!

Moose - my first meat ever.
Alce - a primeira vez que como carne.

I kept my distance from the Yukon's most famous wildlife.
Fiquei longe do bicho mais famoso do Yukon.

I couldn't avoid, however, these biting creatures!
Mas o animal mais feroz do Yukon me pegou!


Off to Vancouver!
Indo embora para Vancouver!

Too skookum for Robson Street: drinking coffee in downtown Vancouver with my mom's Yukon friend Joan.
Café tamanho yukonense, mesmo em Vancouver

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Skookum Yukon baby

Elis no Yukon - agosto de 2008

Estão com saudades de mim? Aqui são algumas fotos das minhas aventuras recentes no norte do Canadá!


Naked and dirty
Just because I'm forced to pose with flowers or wearing a napkin doesn't mean I'm not tough!

First camping trip - Wolf Creek Campground/Acampando pela primeira vez!

Why does everyone else look so rough? I'm having fun!