My dad and mom and babysitter Sandra made an exhibit of some of the big events in my life to show to our friends at my first birthday party, at the beginning of February....
Well, I think they missed some key details....My first doll, my first book, baby photos and passports (yes, that's plural - did you ever doubt my sophisticatedness?) are all well and good, but what about these sophisticated things I've done in the past year?
- Spent Rendezvous in Whitehorse, Chinese New Year in Vancouver's Chinatown and Carnaval in Brazil
- Not been allowed to eat the yummy food at far too many fine restaurants.
- And at some not-so-fine restaurants....

- Imbibed more alcohol than I should have and still managed to crawl straight
- Visited 5 countries and 4 national capitals (still need to work on Brasília!)

- Travelled by plane, automobile, bus, motorbike, electric bicycle, small boat, train, subway, streetcar, dogsled, ferry, and backpack.

- Dipped my toes in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans, Lake Ontario, and the Yukon and São Francisco Rivers
Pacific Ocean - Chiloé Island, Chile
Yukon River
- Hung out with Madonna AND Evita in Buenos Aires, Lula in Brazil, and....hmmm....some Yukon bloggers in the Yukon....
Eva Perón's tomb, Buenos Aires

Lula and ministers, Santo André
Lula and ministers, Santo André

- Slept, bathed, nursed and been the life of the party in too many exotic places to count.

Buenos Aires

Chiloé National Park, Chile
Santiago, with my amiguita Rocío

Whew! That's enough bragging for one night. If you encourage me by leaving comments, I might add to the list another day! Heck, I might even add some recent pictures of me doing sophisticated things like peeing on the potty, riding my mini-tricycle, and eating tofu. Oh wait, those aren't sophisticated, you say? Right, maybe I'll go back to solving the world's problems....