My Aunt Lizz who came to visit me from Toronto.

Lucy from Vancouver.

Aunt Margaret from Toronto having coffee whith me in Vancouver.

Darren, my parents and I celebrated Chinese New Year in Vancouver. I slept through it.

Alison and Jason visited me at B. C. Children's Hospital in Vancouver.

Stacie, Sharon, and Stefan from the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

Shauna and Shauna's mother, Mary - my mom's neighbours for many years....

My grandparents Sandy and Stuart

Anna from Dawson City

Asheya's son Elias.
1 comment:
Queridas e querido Sarah,Elis e Edi,
Acabo de assistir o vídeo,fiquem encantada com Elis.
Ela é muito fofa!!!
Linda,forte e tranquila.Uma criança muito amada.
Desejo que continuem sendo essa familia maravilhosa!!!
Estou com saudades.
Um grande beijo e "hasta siempre".
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