On Saturday night, at around 11pm I decided I was tired of swimming in goo and I wanted to get out. So I worked really hard and did my best but my Mummy wouldn't let me come out! It took me 33 hours before my Mummy and Daddy would even go to the hospital - even though my Auntie Lizz harassed Mummy to go (I sure do like that Auntie Lizz). Where was I? Oh right, leaving for the hospital. My Mummy is so tough that she walked all the way to the hospital in -30°C weather with me struggling to get out!
After we got settled in at the hospital I decided enough was enough- it was time to come out!
So at 11:40am, on February 4, out I came. I was pretty gooey but the nurses took good care of me. I weighed 9lbs 4oz (that is 4196g for my Brazillian family) and I was 22inches (56cms) long.
Would you like to see more of me? My Auntie Lizz took a lot of very charming pictures of me. I have to say that I am pretty darn cute!
This is my Daddy. He seems to be quite fond of me.
This is my Auntie Lizz.
This is my Yukon Grandpa
This is my Aunt Margaret. She came all the way from Toronto to see me.
Great photos, Lizz.
Dad (Elis's Avô)
Congratulations Sarah and Edy! Elis is adorable. Robyn
Welcome Elis!!!
xoxo sarom
Seja be vinda Elis.
Parabéns Edi e Sarah.
Transmitam minhas congratulações à Família da Sarah, pois a felicidade com a espera e nascimento da Elis esta visível na expressão de cada um.
Marcia, João e Lucas
Parabéns Sarah e Edi, queridos amigos! Bem vinda Elis! Que você inunde a vida de seus pais de felicidade! Sei que você será muito amada, pois tem pais maravilhosos! Parabéns a toda família!Beijos
Célia Domingos
Eliz,seja bem vinda ao mundo.
e aos seus pais meus PARABÉNS,por ter dado a vida a ser tão iluminado.
Que Deus abençoe essa familia linda que acaba de nascer.
Sarah esperamos que venha logo a Pirapora para conhecermos a Eliz e mostrar a ela as belezas do São Francisco.
PARABÉNS!!!!!!!!!!!Mamãe Sarah e papai Edi! Seja muito bem vinda "grande" Elis!
Aguardamos para apertar essa coisa fofa aqui no Brasil em breve!!!!
Felicitations Sarah, il est vraiment beau le petit. Vous etes tous tres heureux, parait-il. Michele (Markley)
Sarah e Edi, Parabéns!
a Elis é simplesmente linda!
Bjs queridos!
Deus os abençoe!!!
Parabéns papai, mamãe e toda esta família canadense com cara de babão!!!
Elis, bem vinda ao mundo, que você seja muito feliz, pois amada você já é.
beijões a todos
Congrats to the happy parents! She's beautiful!! And yay, she finally arrived!!! :)
Dearest Elis,
I met you almost a month before your birth, in the hope and anticipation present in your parents' eyes. Their excitement and earnestness to introduce you to the world in the most loving and peaceful manner possible made a very cold January day a little bit warmer for me. I am so privileged to have played a small role in seeing to your safe delivery. Your most incredible mother was patient and surrendered to what needed to happen, while your fathers' tenderness and attentive concern gave her the strength that your very long labour required of her. From the two days of waiting and working, to the very cold walk to the hospital, your folks demonstrated fortitude and resolve, required of good parents. The three of you are lucky to have each other. I wish you love and protection for your life's greatest adventures, and know that you have already enriched mine. sylvie
How exciting and wonderful! Bravo!
-Jenny Chiasson
Congratulations Sarah!! Welcome to the land of motherhood, the road in is rocky and we don't get alot of sleep here, but the welcome wagon basket is worth it :). If you need any well intentioned word of encouragement from another recent immigrant, let me know.
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